Wednesday, February 7, 2007


So, I've had an inner-conflict revolving around the content to write in my blog...namely, do I write about my thoughts and interests? Should I just stick to my life going-ons for my close ones to keep track of me? Do I write philosophical prose when I am in the mood? How do I organize my blog content knowing fully well that I am writing to different audiences- myself, my friends and family, colleagues, and others whom I don't know but hope to gain as an audience?

To make things difficult, some of those audiences aren't concerned with the same things that other audiences would care about. For instance, my girlfriend doesn't want to hear about my thoughts on distributed cognition, nor my take on interface design elements for consumer products.

So, I'd decided to separate my blog into two distinct ones- my original blog for my personal events and rambling thoughts of general interest. That one will be for friends, family, and myself. The link:

This one, therefore, will be dedicated to my thoughts on design and usability (as the title suggests). Here, I will write with the intended audience being myself (of course- writing is very important for one's self-growth and is a great personal creative outlet), select friends of mine who are interested in HCI and IxD, work-related colleagues, and any unknown readers who have stumbled upon this blog and are looking for something interesting to read in these realms.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you should write about both. Why limit yourself if it's interesting.